27 Apr 2009

On death razor

My brain has gone beyond the world; there is a bunch of problem without solution on my nerve. It’s too hard if you try to see the fact by just 3mm of eye’s pupil, and even harder when facts are coming from every direction and they attack to brain. Now I have to realize them and find a solution but…

The weather is cold but when I was looking at mirror, I’ve found my -self flooded in sweat. I’ve found just two bloody eyes and my brain as a rough draft after math exam.

And after all I’ve found my –self as an agar which is burning till death and after that there will be a fragrant nebula of me around you which you can’t feel it because you just will have focused on my ashes as other people will do.

24 Apr 2009

Dimensions quake

There is no chance, I don’t know but sometimes I feel that there is no way for me to change many things. You know, when you got on one road you can’t change it to another one, and if you want to go back there will be a bunch of problems. So what?

Yeah I’ve just found that everything is sometimes depending on the origin. There should be many chances and one of them had chosen with respect to different terms and we will be adapted with them.

And even more you can’t go back because you are just drowned in space-time and sometime you even are not able to see your front. But in contrast I still believe that there should be a solution to change the type of evolution and make a new revolution.

20 Apr 2009

No doubt

There is no doubt for people to understand, and this is why people are separated into many groups or in my opinion two main groups.

The first group includes people who are living with their illustrative hopes and the second group contains people who are thinking in their life about causes and reasons.

Recommendation: if you want to know what type of people are you, just think about this: how much are you happy and how much are agitated?